Using Goong Maps in a Flutter projectconcerned about implementing the mobile side, especially using it for the Flutter project.Aug 4, 2023Aug 4, 2023
How to send emails in swiftUIOpening an email in an iOS application is a common feature, and I think most applications have it. But sometimes developers’ complex mind…Feb 7, 2021Feb 7, 2021
BiggerIsGreater in Swift & A quick tip for String performanceLexicographical order is often known as alphabetical order when dealing with strings. A string is greater than another string if it comes…Apr 1, 2020Apr 1, 2020
How to send an email without using MailComposeViewController?In a freelance project, my client wants to send an email to confirm what user books on their app after filling in the application form…Mar 14, 2020Mar 14, 2020
How to open settings/WIFI in swift on iOS 10After upgrading to iOS 10, I’m no longer taken to settings wifi page instead I got a message -canOpenURL: failed for URL: “prefs:root=WIFI”…Jan 10, 201711Jan 10, 201711